What is RTA in Poker?

RTA stands for real-time assistance in poker and refers to using software, charts or other tools to help you play a hand. This type of assistance is considered cheating in the poker world and can result in being banned from most poker sites if caught.

The issue of RTA in poker has been re-ignited in recent weeks when one high-profile pro player was accused of cheating in his online games. The accusation came from a former roommate of Fedor Kruse, who claimed to have proof that the player had been using an RTA to make astronomic profits in his high stakes games. GG Network has since announced that they have updated their detection methods and have banned the player and confiscated his funds.

While the concept of RTA in poker isn’t a new one, technology has made it easier than ever for people to use these tools while playing. The problem is that poker rooms have also developed better methods to detect RTA and ban players. In addition, the software that poker players can use to aid them in their game is becoming more powerful and harder to detect.

What is RTA in Poker?

There are different types of RTA in poker, ranging from simple preflop charts to full-fledged GTO solvers. Even something as simple as a push-fold chart or an ICM calculator could be classified as RTA because it helps you play the game by simulating the hands. In order to be considered RTA, the tool must give you solutions while you’re actually playing at the table.

A good RTA will analyze the situation, determine your best play, and then display that solution to you in real time. This is what makes RTA so powerful because it can take any given situation and make a decision for you. The software will consider all of the variables and then decide on the best strategy for you. This is a major advantage because it saves you time and energy by automating the process of making decisions.

Unfortunately, poker solvers are not a part of most poker players’ study routines. This is because they can be incredibly expensive and require a significant amount of computer resources. However, with the advent of cheaper and more powerful processors, solvers are becoming increasingly popular. There are now a number of affordable and highly-efficient poker solvers on the market.

There are even RTAs that run simulations of poker hands and tell you what the optimal move is in real time. These tools are extremely powerful and can give you a huge edge at the tables, but they are also widely considered to be cheating. The good news is that there are some poker RTAs that are much more difficult to detect than others, so they’re still a great tool for players to utilize. If you’re a serious player, then using an RTA should be a part of your studying routine. Just make sure to read the terms and conditions of the poker site you’re using before you start using it.